Benson Andrew Idahosa was a Charismatic Pentecostal preacher. He is the founder of Church of God Mission International, Archbishop Benson Idahosa was popularly referred to as the father of Pentecostalism in Nigeria. Benson Andrew Idahosa was the founder of Benson Idahosa University in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
Benson Idahosa Biography
Benson Andrew Idahosa was a Charismatic Pentecostal preacher. He is the founder of Church of God Mission International, Archbishop Benson Idahosa was popularly referred to as the father of Pentecostalism in Nigeria. Benson Andrew Idahosa was the founder of Benson Idahosa University in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
Early Life
Benson Andrew Idahosa was born in Benin City on September 11, 1938, of poor pagan parents. He was a sickly infant who was always fainting. As a result of his constant illness, his father ordered the mother to throw him in the dust bin. When he was eighteen months old he was left on a rubbish heap to die.
He was rejected by his father, sent to work on a farm as a servant, and was denied education until he was fourteen years old. His education was irregular due to the poor financial status of his parents. He later took correspondence courses from Britain and the United States while working in Bata Shoe Company.
His Conversion And Call To The Ministry
His conversion was dramatic and his calling supernatural. He was converted by Pastor Okpo on a football field one Sunday afternoon while playing soccer with his teammates. Thus, young Benson became the first Bini member of Pastor Okpo’s small congregation. As a young convert, he became very zealous in winning souls and in conducting outreaches in villages around Benin City.
He was called to the ministry in a night vision from the Lord. “I have called you that you might take the gospel around the world in my name, preach the gospel, and I will confirm my word with signs following,” said the voice from heaven. The room was filled with the presence of God as Benson fell to his knees beside the bed: “Lord, wherever you want me to go, I will go.” He prayed on through the night, renewing his vows to God and interceding for his people who were yet to hear the message of salvation.
After his call, Benson launched into ministry work preaching from village to village the gospel of Jesus Christ with great power and anointing. More people confessed Christ as their Saviour, and more healings occurred as he prayed for the sick.
Expansion of His Ministry and His Credentials
Benson Idahosa, the archbishop and founder of Church of God Mission International Incorporated with its headquarters in Benin City, Nigeria established over 6,000 churches throughout Nigeria and Ghana before 1971. Many of the ministers he supervised pastored churches of 1,000 to 4,000 people. In addition to filling the position of archbishop of the Church of God Mission, he was also president of All Nations for Christ Bible Institute, president of Idahosa World Outreach and president of Faith Medical Centre. He held positions in numerous organizations including the college of bishops of the international communion of Christian churches and the Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma.
Idahosa earned a diploma in divinity from Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, which he attended in 1971, a Doctorate of Divinity in 1981 from the Word of Faith College, New Orleans and a Doctor of Laws degree from Oral Roberts University in March 1984. He also received other degrees from the International University in Brussels, Belgium.
Supreme Task
Soul winning was Idahosa’s primary concern. With a motto “Evangelism our Supreme Task,” he worked towards this goal of reaching the unreached in Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a black African, he found the doors of African countries were wide open and he ministered in over 123 countries all over the world.
Crusades played a major role in his ministry. He was involved in at least one crusade per month. A record crowd of nearly one million people a night attended his Lagos Crusade in April 1985. He established the Redemption Television Ministry with a potential viewing audience of 50 million people.
Benson Idahosa died on the 12 Of March 1998. He was survived by his wife, Margaret Idahosa and four children.
His wife subsequently took over as the Archbishop of the Church of God Mission International (CGMI), The Christian ministry Benson founded, Margaret is also the Chancellor of Benson Idahosa University.
His Son Bishop Faith Emmanuel Benson Idahosa is now the President of Benson Idahosa University (BIU),and Founder/President of Big Ben’s Children Hospital, Vice-President of All Nations For Christ Bible Institute International, among other positions.
- Faith to change the world
- Fire in His Bones
- Strangers to Failure
- and many more
FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) Related To Benson Idahosa Biography
Q1). How old was Bishop Benson Idahosa when he died?
he died at the ripe young age of 59 years and 6 month
Maria Sheilla Sono
4 years agoI bless God for Arch Bishop Idahosa,his authority on the word has changed me to see that the Bible is alive and to refuse a gospel that does not walk in authority.Indeed he is God’s General.
[email protected]
3 years agoHow wish He’s still alive?
3 years agoYes dear but his word is alive.
Oladeji Peter Ayobami
3 years agoI pray the Lord raise another sets of great revivalists in this our generation
Daniel Hansen.
4 years agoDid Bishop Idahosa raise his dead mother after being dead for 10days?
3 years agoNever, the story has been refuted.
Temple Chimenka Ochieze
4 years agoYes and Amen to that!
We out to seek God early as our archbishop idahosa did.
4 years agoI bless God you Sir,you are really a GOD’S generals..More grace i pray upon your families inJESUS name Amen..
Nyakno Jimmy Ekorok
4 years agoSir I love you, I know you still live on. I tap from the grace of God in you. To serve God in humility.
4 years agoHe is GOD’S general with power inside him to impart his unfortunate that GOD said is time for him to return home. I pray that his family will continue to keep fire burning as he did for the Lord. Amen
Patrick Actor
4 years agoI bless God Almighty For giving us a father like you sir…your impact has changed and still changing a lot of life’s
Uko David Arikwu
3 years agoSir I love you,and also bless God for giving us a father like you. May your gentle soul continue to rest in God’s presence.
Bonaventure Obiorah
3 years agoArchbishop Idahosa was indeed a gift to the world.
His messages are original,pure, unadulterated and evergreen.
Much as we miss him, we thank God for his life.
Uko David Arikwu
3 years agoMy life change from the day that I hear your story, and am so Saad that I can’t see you in this Earth again
May you continue to rest in God’s presence till I come to meet you in heaven amen
Adediran Deborah Oluwatoyin
3 years agoHow I wish he is still alive I would have love to make him my role model
Cos I want to be like him
Anyways I tap from his anointing
Augusta George Williams
3 years agoI cherish the Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa so much that when I was much younger, singing in that auditorium at Faith Arena in the choir stand, I did not know, if I had known what I know now, I would have tapped into his anointing and ministry direct. Well, I missed him dearly, but God Almighty knows the ending from the beginning. Though, the anointing is in me to manifest speedily in Jesus Name.
Jabulani Sengwayo
3 years agoCalvary greeting Saints
Just interested to know more about this man of God as to how God had worked through him
Michael Maliamungu
3 years agoThese men have left a challenge that is too deep to breath in. Bishop is physically dead but spiritually he is still alive in hearts
Ezeokoro Victor
3 years agoOh Lord help me!!!
3 years agoWow I wish he was still alive
Howeve,may his soul rest in perfect peace
Friday micheal akoh
3 years agoI am happy for allowing God to use you to drop a mark of eternity for even our generation to hear
ekeh ikechukwu
2 years agoSir right from the day I heard your name I fall in love with you and I thank God for giving us a father like u…