Every child is always looking forward to the children’s day celebration. First, because it is a public holiday- a day off school and the early morning rush; and second, because it is a day to have fun with the rest of the kids in the neighbourhood. Also, for Christians and Muslims, churches and mosques have a list of activities for children to commemorate the special day.
Children’s Day is an annual commemoration holiday that is observed on different dates around the world in honour of kids. At the World Conference on Child Welfare in Geneva in 1925, the first International Children’s Day was declared. In the majority of Communist and post-Communist nations, it has been observed on June 1 since 1950. In remembrance of the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1959, the 20th of November is observed as World Children’s Day.
Many people know the significance of Children’s Day, but not many people know the history behind the celebration. Children’s Day, which is annually observed on May 27 in Nigeria, is intended to honour young people everywhere and to remind adults of the good times they had as kids.

What then is the history behind children’s day?
The history of children’s day can be traced to when Reverend Dr Charles Leonard, the pastor of the Universalist Church of the Redeemer in Chelsea, Massachusetts, instituted Children’s Day on the second Sunday of June in 1857. Leonard led a special service intended especially for the children. Leonard gave the day the name “Rose Day,” though it was afterwards called “Flower Sunday,” and then it was changed to “Children’s Day.”
The Republic of Turkey initially proclaimed April 23 as Children’s Day as a national holiday in 1920. Since 1920, when it was proclaimed a day for children by the government and the media at the time, thus, Children’s Day has been observed on a national level. The founder and current president of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, made the official statement in front of the entire country in 1929 when it was deemed necessary to clarify and legitimize this celebration.
The World Conference on Child Welfare, which took place in Geneva in 1925, declared the first International Children’s Day. On November 4, 1949, The Women’s International Democratic Federation in Moscow declared 1 June as the International Day for the Protection of Children. Since 1950, numerous Communist and post-Communist nations have observed June 1 as Children’s Day.

Celebration Day
All countries in the world celebrate Children’s Day; in fact, while some countries set aside just a day to celebrate children, some countries make it a whole week of celebration, with different programmes and projects to make it memorable for them. Thus, the dates vary in all countries.
In remembrance of the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1959, November 20 is observed as World Children’s Day. In order of date of observance, this section provides a number of reasonable reasons for the celebration.
Children’s Day brings together a medley of events from several spheres of Nigerian society. Many more people participate in the festivities along with the parades and speeches by government and school leaders.
Also, religious organizations observe the day in style. Private and public organizations throw birthday parties for kids from all backgrounds in an effort to help the kids feel like they belong. In order to explore issues affecting children’s well-being as well as government and social attempts to improve children’s lives, media organizations interview a variety of people.
Some states in Nigeria have intriguing ways of celebrating too. Government representatives and media outlets provide selected kids with leadership opportunities. Child broadcasters are featured on TV and radio channels, allowing children the chance to host shows, and even throw parties for them within the media premises.